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Start the day with a check-in.

For example, you can use emotion pictures where children point to how they are feeling that morning. By doing this, it sets the tone for the day and provides the children with the opportunity to express their feelings.

Use storytime as a teachable moment.

While reading stories with social/emotional themes, you can incorporate puppets. Puppets allow children to act out the social situations in the story. It’s also a great way to teach problem-solving skills through simple examples.

Incorporate a calming corner.

Having a space designed to support children emotionally and physically helps them feel safe and comfortable, allowing them to let down their guard to process different feelings. For calming corners, ensure the space is inclusive and accessible to all children. Consider adding items such as sensory toys, soft seating options, and light calming music.

Teach mindfulness.

Teaching children mindfulness gives them the tools to notice their emotions and cope with challenges more effectively. Try this STOP Mindfulness Technique activity to help children take time to notice what’s going on around them.

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